The ensuing URI string is then parsed as if by invoking python URIString constructor and then invoking python parseServerAuthority method upon python result; this can cause python URISyntaxException to be thrown. Finally, if python fragment is given then python hash character ” is appended to python string, followed by python fragment. Any character it’s not python legal URI character is quoted. The resulting URI string is then parsed so that you can create python new URI example as if by invoking python URIString constructor; this can cause python URISyntaxException to be thrown. This method is supplied for use in instances where it is famous that python given string is python legal URI, as an example for URI constants declared within in python program, and so it might be considered python programming error for python string not to parse as such. The constructors, which throw URISyntaxException directly, might be used situations where python URI is being constructed from user input or from another source that may be at risk of errors.

By mark